Gone with the wind

de Max Steiner



1Main Title: Dixie, Mammy, Tara, Rhett
2Opening Sequence: The Twins, Katie Bell, Ashley, Mammy
3Driving Home, Gerald O'Hara, Scarlett, Tara
4Dance Montage: Charleston Heel and Toe Polka, Southern Belle Waltz, Can Can
5Grazioso, Mammy, Ashley, Ashley and Scarlett, Scarlett, Ashley and Melanie Love Theme
6Civil War, Fall of the South, Scarlett Walks Among the Wounded
7True Love, Ashley Returns to Tara from the War, Tara in Ruins
8Belle Watling
9Reconstruction, The Nightmare, Tara Rebuilt, Bonnie, The Accident
10Mammy and Melanie on the Starcaise, Rhett's Sorrow
11Apotheosis: Melanie's Death, Scarlett and Rhett, Tara

