Fiddle time runners (book 2) de David Blackwell Altres peces Violí Moviments New notes for second finger1Start the show 2Banyan tree 3Heat haze 4Medieval tale 5Cornish May song 6Chase in the dark 7Merrily danced the Quaker's wife 8O leave your sheep 9Jingle bells 10Allegretto in G (Mozart) 11Pick a bale of cotton 12Noël (Daquin) 13Finale from the Water Music 14Ecossaise in G 15Fiddle time rag 16Playing on the ol' banjo 17On the go! 18Yodelling song 19Takin' it easy 20Gypsy dance 21Ten thousand miles away 22I got those fiddle blues 23Air in G (J.C. Bach) 24Prelude from 'The Deum' (Charpentier) 25That's how it goes! New notes for third finger26Flamenco dance 27Somebody's knocking at your door 28The old chariot 29Adam in the garden 30Air (Handel) 31The wee cooper o' Fife 32Aerobics! 33Caribbean sunshine Escoltar